POV-Ray : Newsgroups : irtc.stills : How's it going? : Re: How's it going? Server Time
22 Dec 2024 15:33:02 EST (-0500)
  Re: How's it going?  
From: gonzo
Date: 26 Apr 2003 01:28:13
Message: <3eaa18ed@news.povray.org>
Shay <sah### [at] simcopartscom> wrote in message news:3ea9ace8@news.povray.org...
> "gonzo" <rgo### [at] lansetcom> wrote in message
> news:web.3ea97be532e78d8da0c272b50@news.povray.org...
> | gonzo:
> |  Well, I've finally finished writing all my construction macros,
> |  time to start making a scene...  If the macros all work like
> |  I hope, that should go fairly quickly.
> Sounds fairly complex. Any hints?

Well, the scene is probably not all that complex, I'm just building some

The complex part was writing the macros, or more precisely, figuring out how
to write the macros.  I've got about 10 macros to build walls, doors,
windows, roofs etc, all from data stored in arrays, and then another 10-12
macros that assemble all those parts into buildings and rows from more array

My most complex macro previously was the telephone wires macro from my last
entry, and it was mostly stand-alone code. So for me, the challenge was in
learning to pass arrays and data between macros (and just figuring out which
data needed to get where). Got a lot of errors at first, but I think (hope)
I've finally got them all cooperating with each other.

If nothing else, I've learned a lot!


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